Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Improve: Posture

Simple things like good posture can greatly improve one's lifestyle. You may not be aware of your posture, but you may be unconsciously hunching your back in uncomfortable situations like a turtle would. In doing so, you appear to be less communicable, and it makes yourself feel worse in a situation than yo u really should.

Exercising good posture will help you gain more confidence in many aspects of life. In the workplace, your peers will view you with better respect and approach you more comfortably when you are in a tall, open position. In social events, you will show your confidence and become more popular with the people there and your friends. All of this can be easily achieved by just slightly changing the position of your spine.

Good posture is no more than a good habit. Even if your posture is terrible almost on par with the Hunchback of Notre Dame, you can still attain good posture in a relatively short time. Here are a few ways to improve your posture:

Look in a mirror often. Always look from the side and straighten your back to a point where you have a relatively straight back with a slight S-curve. You don't need to be as straight as an arrow to have good posture, just tall and comfortable is enough to make a difference. Now remember the feeling of this stance. Always remind yourself to return to this stance whenever you can.

Next, you can perform some back exercises. Put your hands on the back of your head and hold your elbows outwards. Hold this position for around 5 minutes or whenever you start to become too uncomfortable. Over a period of time, you will start to feel more comfortable with this position and holding good posture will become a habit.

Lastly, the most drastic action you might take is taping your back. Normally, you should get someone else to put tape (any kind) straight down your spine, from the top of the next to about 3/4 down your back. This way, whenever you have the urge to hunch, the tape will permanently remind you to straighten your back. This method is rather uncomfortable at first, but is very effective in producing proper posture fast.

With proper posture, you can live life with that much more confidence and satisfaction.
This is how you improve posture.

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